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Chalk Paint Stenciled Garden Rocks

  Chalk Paint Stenciled Garden Rocks

Proyek ini cocok dikerjakan bersama-sama anggota keluarga.

I'm out in the backyard again today with a quintessential summer craft - rock painting! I wanted to give this traditional kids' summer camp idea a little grown-up twist with the help of Martha Stewart Vintage Decor paint and this set of botanical stencils. Now I know why this activity has been around for ages - it's just plain fun!

how to paint rocks

You'll want nice smooth river rocks for this project. I had been eyeing my neighbors rocks in their landscaping and they were nice enough to let me come over and do some rock hunting for this post! These rocks would add a pretty touch to your garden, nestled alongside a potted plant, or even brought indoors to use as a paperweight, doorstop, or coffee table decor! 

painting on rocks

The muted chalky Vintage Decor paint and wax I finished them with gives them a sophisticated look. Here's what you'll need:

Supplies for Stenciled Garden Rocks

how to stencil rocks

How to Make Stenciled Rocks

1. Wash your rocks thoroughly and allow to dry completely. Cover with one coat of Vintage Decor paint. I painted the top side of the rock, let it dry to the touch, and then turned over and painted the bottom side. One even coat should be enough to cover the rock completely - this paint goes on so great!

painted rocks with chalk paint

2. Find the smoothest surface of the rock and tape your stencil to the rock using painter's tape. I found it was easiest to cut out the stencil to make it better fit the rock. Even the smoothest of rocks aren't completely flat, so you'll need to use your hand to hold the stencil flush with the rock while you stencil. Use just a small amount of paint on your brush (dab off excess before stenciling) and use an up and down blotting motion. This will prevent paint from seeping under the stencil.

how to stencil rocks

3. Remove your stencil to reveal your pretty design!

stenciled garden rocks

4. Once the paint is dry, you can apply a coat or two of Vintage Decor wax with a cloth. This protects the paint on the rock and gives it a nice sheen.

rock painting ideas

These are so pretty I want to paint more! I wonder if my neighbors would mind if I steal some more rocks from their yard? ;)

rock painting ideas

This is post is sponsored by Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia as part of the #12MonthsofMarthaprogram. All content and opinions are my own.

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